Planning Your First Solo Trip Isn’t As Difficult As It May Seem

How to Plan a Vacation by Yourself

Erick Zajac
4 min readJan 24, 2023
Photo by Semina Psichogiopoulou on Unsplash

Planning a trip by yourself can be daunting. You might get overwhelmed by the option, not be entirely sure what to do, and have some travel anxiety from being in a foreign place on your own.

It seems stressful, but after breaking down your travel research into smaller steps, you can feel much more confident about your new expedition.

Whether you’re a seasoned solo traveler looking to get more organized or are planning your first trip and need guidance, here’s how I approach planning out my travels:

How to Plan a Vacation Alone

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Decide on a Destination

You should look around social media and do some searches online to get inspiration for travel destinations. Be sure to look at safety, climate, language, and visa barriers that might be obstacles to reaching your desired destination.

